Hämmerle Johannes, Mag.art.


Cembalo, second instrument cembalo, history of piano music, chamber music/ensemble, repetiteurship, double bass


Johannes Hämmerle studied organ (with Michael Radulescu), cembalo (with Gordon Murray), and church music at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. During this time, he was second organist on the famous historic Sieber organ at St Michael’s Church in Vienna. He won prizes at the international competitions in Brugge ( cembalo, 2001) and Odense (organ, 2003) and has been teaching at the Stella Vorarlberg Private University College of Music (formerly Vorarlberg State Conservatory) in Feldkirch since 2001; from 2009 to 2015, he also held a teaching position for cembalo at the College of Church Music and Music Education in Regensburg. As organist at St Nicholas’ Cathedral, he has been responsible for the development and maintenance of the cathedral music in Feldkirch since 2007. He is also a sought-after ensemble musician and regularly works with various formations – most recently as harpsichordist with the ‘Concerto Stella Matutina’.

Johannes Hämmerle
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