Further Education
Stella Vorarlberg offers various further education formats for different target groups. The focus is on musicians, music educators, and people with previous musical experience who, depending on their previous knowledge, want to acquire additional musical or music education qualifications. The courses are geared towards current market needs and social trends related to music in the broader sense.
Elementary Music Pedagogy Course (EMP)
This course is aimed at people from (music) education and social professions who would like to expand and deepen their field of activity in the area of music. The course offers a particularly useful further training opportunity for instrumental teachers who already work in the field of EMP, teach in cooperative classes, or are looking for new pedagogical models for working with groups. The focus is on a well-founded theoretical and practical examination of the holistic approach to elementary music-making as well as the students’ own artistic development. Music, movement, and language are combined and open up scope for creative design with children aged 0 – 10 years.
Duration: 4 semesters (September 2024 to June 2026)
Scope: 5 – 6 weekends per semester / 26 SWSt / 60 ECTS
Costs per semester: € 990 for EU citizens, € 1190 for non-EU citizens
Completion: Certificate with certificate
BLICK.punkt Elementary Music Education
As part of the BLICK.punkt workshop series, aspects of elementary music-making are presented that can be implemented in lessons with children in music schools, schools, or kindergartens. The training courses are also suitable for people who would like to enrich their everyday musical life in pedagogical professions with elementary music building blocks. Based on elementary music-making, practical approaches in various facets are discovered and tried out.
Contact Person

BLICK.punkt 2025 Workshops
Musik in ihrer Vielfalt inklusiv gestalten
Wie kann musisch-kreativer Unterricht gestaltet werden, damit alle Kinder mit ihren unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten daran teilhaben können?
Ausgehend von verschiedenen Zugängen zum gemeinsamen, inklusiven Musizieren und Gestalten mittels Bewegung, Materialien/Instrumenten und Stimme/Sprache werden an diesem Wochenende vielfältige praxisbezogene Anregungen vorgestellt, ausprobiert und reflektiert. Inhalte sind u.a. Liederarbeitung, Liedbegleitung, gemeinsames Musizieren mit und ohne Instrument, Bewegen und Gestalten.
Begleitend wird ein Entwicklungsraster vorgestellt, der für ganzheitliches Beobachten und entwicklungsorientiertes Planen in der Musikschule für den Einzel- und Gruppenunterricht hilfreich ist. Im Laufe der zwei Tage wechseln sich praktische und theoretische Inputs ab. Gemeinsames Erleben steht dabei im Vordergrund.
Diese Fortbildung bietet viele inklusiv-musikalische Erlebnisräume und ist für alle Lehrenden im Musikschulkontext konzipiert: EMP, Instrumentalunterricht, RhythmikMB und Tanz.
Sa, 22. Februar 2025, 9 – 17 Uhr
So, 23. Februar 2025, 9 – 12 Uhr Pförtnerhaus der Stella Vorarlberg
Information bei Monika Müller:
+43 5522 7111016
Kosten: 110,- Euro
Die Reihe der Blickpunkt-Workshops wird gemeinsam mit dem EMP-Lehrgang angeboten

Choir Conducting Course
In cooperation with the Vorarlberg Choir Association, Stella Vorarlberg organizes a further training course in choral conducting every two years.
The course is designed to give working people in particular the opportunity to acquire practical skills. Skills and competencies are taught in regular weekly lessons over the course of four semesters. This offer provides course participants with a good grounding for their responsible work as choir conductors.
Duration: 4 semesters
Weekly lessons on Mondays from 5.30 pm.
Additional block events.
Work shadowing and practical training.
Costs per semester:
€ 750 for EU citizens,
€ 1200 for non-EU citizens
Conclusion: Practical presentation with the practical choir.
Course “Catholic Church Music C”
Stella Vorarlberg organizes a further education course for Catholic church music C in cooperation with the diocese of Feldkirch.
The course is intended to give working people in particular the opportunity to acquire practical skills. Skills and competencies are taught in weekly lessons over the course of four semesters. This course provides course participants with a good grounding for their responsible work as a choir director with a liturgical focus.
Duration: 4 semesters
Weekly lessons on Mondays from 5.30 pm.
Additional block events.
Work shadowing and course practice.
Weekly individual organ lessons.
Costs per semester:
€ 750 for EU citizens,
€ 1200 for non-EU citizens
Practical presentation with the practice choir, performance on the organ.
Advanced Course for Choir Conducting
The advanced course is aimed at people who would like to gain basic experience in conducting, ear training, and choral voice training. In a personal aptitude interview, we will decide together with you whether you meet the required qualifications.
October 2024 to June 2025
Block teaching over 6 weekends
Costs per semester:
€250 per semester
€450 per semester for participants from non-EU countries
Choral voice training.
Conducting, rehearsal organization.
Theoretical skills in rhythm and solmization
The advanced course also prepares students for the “Choir Conducting” course.
Completion: Certificate
Contact Person

Certificate Course for Styrian Harmonica
The course is aimed at accordionists and Styrian harmonica players or music school teachers who can demonstrate basic playing skills on the instrument and would like to gain instrumental teaching qualifications on the Styrian harmonica. Preference will be given to people who are already actively teaching at music schools.
Admission Requirements:
After registration, participation in the orientation day (June 21, 2024 from 2 to 5 p.m. in Marktoberdorf) is a prerequisite for admission to the course.
There, the interested parties introduce themselves musically on their instrument. Further, the contents, procedures, and organizational basics of the course are explained. Only after successful participation in the orientation day, binding admission to the course takes place.
Duration: 4 semesters (part-time)
12 weekends online
8 weekends in attendance
alternately in Marktoberdorf (D) and Feldkirch (A)
Start: September 2024
Part-time training program for “Styrian Harmonica” at Stella Vorarlberg in cooperation with the Bavarian Music Academy Marktoberdorf (D) and the vocational school for music Krumbach/D.
Two-year course: €2990; including course costs, accommodation, meals at the Bavarian Music Academy Marktoberdorf during four attendance weekends.
Accommodation and meals during the four work phases in Feldkirch are at your own expense.
Payment in installments possible:
€590 (2024), €1500 (2025), and €900 (2026).
Funding opportunities for teachers at Vorarlberg music schools from the Vorarlberger Musikschulwerk. Members of the Chamber of Labor can apply for an education grant or take advantage of support measures from the respective music school location municipality.
Orientation Day (participation is a prerequisite for admission) :
June 21, 2024 from 2 to 5 p.m., Marktoberdorf
Cooperation between:
BMM – Bayerische Musikakademie Marktoberdorf
SVPM – Stella Vorarlberg Privathochschule für Musik
BFMK – Berufsfachschule für Musik Krumbach, D
Contact Persons
Alexander Maurer (Head)
Katharina Baschinger
Contact person Bavarian Music Academy Marktoberdorf and overall management:
Bernhard van Almsick
Contact person Stella Vorarlberg and course quality assurance:
Mag.a Evelyn Fink-Mennel