Kutschi-Doceva Dora, Magª art.


Solo singing, acting, specialised didactics of the CAS solo singing, chamber music/ensemble


Dora Doceva-Kutschi studied piano at the Sofia Music High School, later singing as well as opera and song/oratorio at the Sofia Music Academy and at the Vienna University of Music. She has won several singing competitions (“Sv. Obretenov”/Provadia, “Tito Schipa”/Lecce, “Gianfranco Masini”/Reggio Emilia, and “Kammeroper Schloss Rheinsberg”/Berlin).
Engagements have taken her to the Volksoper and the Konzerthaus Vienna, the Schönbrunn Palace Theatre, the Festspielhaus Bregenz, the Maag Tonhalle Zurich, the Opéra Bastille Paris, and the ‘Anima Mundi’ Festival in Pisa. In 2002, she began teaching at what was then the Vorarlberg State Conservatory. Doceva-Kutschi is a guest lecturer at masterclasses in Italy, Turkey, Switzerland, and Austria and sits on juries. She has also directed several children’s operas. Her students are engaged at various theatres (Bregenz, Klagenfurt, Biel, Zurich, Osnabrück, Bologna, Ankara) as well as at numerous festivals.

Dora Kutschi-Doceva
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