Begle-Hämmerle Natalie, Magª art.


Fundamentals of elementary music education; didactics of music and movement; movement and dance in early music education and basic training; instrumental and vocal design in early music education and basic training; models for combining music, movement, and voice


Magª art. Natalie Begle-Hämmerle grew up in Schlins and lives with her husband and three children in Dornbirn.

  • Studied music and dance pedagogy at the Mozarteum University Salzburg and at the Universidad de Granada (E), acquired postgraduate studies in “DanceCulture” at the University of Bern (CH). Numerous further training courses for contemporary dance and EMP, Danceability-Teacher®.
  • Teaching elementary music pedagogy (EMP) and children’s dance at the Werdenberg Music School (CH). Since 2004 teacher at the BAfEP (Bildungsanstalt für Elementarpäd.) Feldkirch for the subject RhythmikMB and at the music school Dornbirn for the subject dance. Since 2012 in the EMP course at the former Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium and 2014/15 at the PH Feldkirch.
  • Freelance work in the fields of dance, rhythmic MB/elementary music, and movement pedagogy in adult education. Dancer, choreographer, and production manager in dance and music theater. Realization of artistic projects with children and young people. Co-founder of the ensemble “bewegungsmelder – companie für zeitgenössischen Tanz”.
  • 2006: Grant for Art from the state of Vorarlberg, founding member and board member of netzwerkTanz Vorarlberg



Natalie Begle-Hämmerle
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